Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Match #3 Results December 18, 2013

Michael B. contemplates shooting "The Texas Good Old Boy."
The last match of Year 2013 was a rousing success.  Perfect late December greeted participants and observers.  Two scenario and two standards stages were set up.

Michael Boyle liked the Pink Spurs so much after winning them in the first Monday Match that he came roaring back from a 5th Place Finish in Monday match #2 to take top Shot Honors in Monday Match #3.  Congratulations, Michael, those pink spurs look great on you! Michael said he was going to be better today and he really meant it.

Not only did Michael have a blazing fast low time, he also notched the rare Daily Double, winning the Most Accurate Shooter position as well.  Michael's total adjusted time of 112.72 was over 10 seconds faster than the second place finisher, Al G.  Michael's 45 Points Down narrowly edged second most accurate shooter, Tom B. who recorded 49 points down.

Thanks to Cyndy W. and Bryan M. for observing three stages and participating in two.  We are looking forward to seeing you both again soon.

Everybody did great and we really appreciate everyone's happiness, enthusiasm and kind words.  Thank YOU all for making the Monday Matches so Safe and Totally FUN!  Many Happy Holiday Cheers!

The next Match us January 6th.

Here are the scores and total points down.
The Stage Results Page is kind of hard to read so I am including the link to the Google Drive file as well.  It's much easier to read on Google Drive. The link is below this graphic.
Here is the link to the Google Drive file:

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Match #2 Scores

Gary W. shoots in the Single Hand Stage while Tom times and Al scores.
The results are in and Tom B. is the proud custodian of The Pink Spurs this week.  Tom quietly went about his business and was the run away winner of Monday Match #2.  Tom's total adjusted time was 106.14, over 9 seconds better than the second place finisher.  Awesome shooting, Tom!  You said you were going to do better this week and you meant it!  Way to GO!

Congratulations to Tony G. for being the Most Accurate Shooter (MAS) of the match.  Tony wins the Muy Mas award and your prize is in the mail, Tony.

The second Monday Match took place in calm air under mostly clear skies.  Seven shooters participated along with observers Drake M. and Ben T.  Three challenging stages included the ever perplexing "Numbers Game," "Single Hand Shooting Skills," and another stirring rendition of "The Courier."

The Single Hand Shoot Skills exercise was voted "Shooter's Choice" for a repeat shoot.  Four out of six shooters improved their score the second time around.

The various Stage results were all over the map.  Tom B. finished first in two Stages and Michael B. was first in the other.

There was only one Zero Points Down Stage shot during Monday Match #2.  Muy Mas Man Tony G. aced "The Courier" with awesome precision shooting.  Tom B. was most accurate in "The Numbers Game" and Al G. was tops in accuracy for the Single Hand Shooting Skills.

The Match Director polled participants at the end of the event as to whether "The Numbers Game" was too "mental."  The consensus appeared to encourage future such complicated "thinking" stages.  Likewise, the consensus did not consider this version of  "The Courier" to be too complicated.  The Match Director also received positive feedback on including one shooting skills stage in each upcoming match.

Thank You for your $30 in donations for Monday Match #2.  Donations totaled $20 for Monday Match #1.  We have spent $13.75 for replacement uprights for the targets, leaving a cash balance of $36.25.  We hope to place an order for target tape soon.  Hopefully, a fresh supply of target tape will arrive before year's end.

Many Thanks to Ben & Drake for attending and help out at Monday Match #2.  We hope you return for future matches and look forward to shooting with you.

Thanks to everyone for another great event.  Monday Match #3 will be held on December 16.
We are presenting the match scores in a different format.
The overall times and total points down  have a separate spreadsheet.
Below, you will find the data on the Stage Times and Points Down.
Adjusted times include procedural penalties but the numbers of PEs are not shown.
Note that in Stage #2 (Single Hand) we used the best time to add to the overall time.
The Points Down associated with your best time in Stage #2 were then added to your total.