Monday, January 7, 2013

Range 2 Photos

 Here's the drift gate into FR 9253G.  The gate is problematic, of course, especially since some macho cowboy set the tension for the top wire loop.  We can change that pretty easily to make it more user friendly.
 The numbers on the sign don't match the way the road is numbered on the MVUN map.  However, it's clear that this road is ON their map and open to motor vehicles.
 Although the turn is kind of tight into the pull out for the gate, there actually a good aggregate base for a much larger apron.  Look carefully over the hood of the Samurai and you can easily see it.
 Here's the parking area and turning radius down adjacent to the wash.  The area is large enough to set up smaller stages here, too, in addition to parking.
 This upstream portion of the wash would be the main shooting area.  Luckily, the wash take a bend to the left not far upstream.  We would put a sign up there in case an ATV might be coming down wash.  The backstop is AWESOME!
Here's the wash looking downstream.  It has some pretty potential for a stage set up, too.

 Looking up out of the wash toward the very large parking area.  You can barely & briefly catch a glimpse of traffic passing on the Cornville Road.  I don't think they would see vehicles in the parking area.  They "might" but they would have to really be looking and 99% of drivers don't pay any attention to what's off the road, especially that far away.

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