Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Match #1 - 11/18/13

Arizona Season Three opened with perfect weather, three stages and seven enthusiastic shooters.

Michael B. won The Pink Spurs for the first Monday Match.  Michael blew away the competition in both time and fewest Points Down.  He didn't just win, he won by a country mile!  Michael's lowest total time of 114.61 was over 8 seconds faster than the second place time.  Likewise, Michael's fewest Point Down of 23 was 22 points fewer than the next closest total. Congratulations, Michael, that was awesome shooting!

For the first time in recent memory, the standings in total adjusted time were also the same as the final standing Total Points Down.  Finishing first was Michael B.; 2nd, John P.; 3rd, Tony G.; 4th, Pat D.; 5th, Tom B. and 6th. Gary W.

John P. finished first in Stage #1 (Pumping Lead on Route 66); Michael Boyle was tops in Stage #2 (Stand & Deliver) and Tony G. was number one in Stage #3 (Shooting Skills Exercise #1).

Note that each shooter's fastest time in Stage #1 was used for the final calculations of both total time and Points Down.

We did forget a couple of things for this match: 1) The Pledge prior to the Match and 2) To take photos.  We won't make those mistakes again this season, you can bet on that!

Thank You all for a Great First Monday Match!  We will see you again on December 2nd.

Note that we also put the results into our Google Drive as a PDF that you should be able to download and print.  Try this link.  If it doesn't work, email me and I will send you the file.

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