Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Match #7

Monday Match #7 took place under perfect weather conditions February 18th at the Donga Din shooting range.  Gary, Al, Brad and John shot three stages a total of 7 times.

Stage 1 was 8 numbered targets and one six-inch steel plate.  The targets were 10 yards from the shooter box.  The plate was 13 yards. As the shooter faced uprange, the targets were randomly reshuffled.  Three random numbers were drawn from a coffee can.  At the buzzer, as the shooter turned, the numbers were called out.  The shooter had to shot the targets in order of the numbers called and then shoot them in reverse order before shooting the plate until down.

Stage 2 was four targets at 20 yards from a Bianchi cover structure.  At the buzzer, the shooter could shoot from either side of the cover with one round in each target as they became visible.  Then the shooter switched to the other side of cover and placed one round in each target and they became visible.  Procedural penalties were given if the shooter's foot overstepped the cover line.

Stage 3 was entitled "The Powerball."  At the buzzer the shooter had to kneel beside the "bed" and then grab the winning ticket from beneath the "mattress" and then run to the doorway and then down the hall to the front door.  Shooters were loaded to 8 rounds each so there would be a mandatory reload from slide lock on this stage, equalizing the difference between the CDP and SSP division pistols.  (A full description of The Powerball is at the end of this long blog post.

Note that there are three slideshow videos here: Gary, Al and Brad shooting Stage 1.  We took 4,000 photos with the GoPro camera on a one second time lapse interval.  For whatever reason, the photo sequences for Stages @ and 3 were uninteresting when converted to video.  Therefore we picked out four photos from each of the three stages to show here.  Believe it or not, it only took 3 hours to process 4,000 photos! Additional still photos were emailed to each shooter.  Thank You for your $15 in donations received.

Gary Shooting Stage #1

Below is Al Shooting Stage #1

Brad Shooting Stage 1

Below are 12 still photos, one each of four shooters in three stages.

 Al Stage 1
 Brad Stage 1
 Gary Stage 1
John Stage 1
 Al Stage 2
 Brad Stage 2
Gary Stage 2
John Stage 2
 Al Stage 3
 Brad Stage 3
 Gary Stage 3
John Stage 3

Here is a description of "The Powerball."  This is the same stage we did last spring.  Herman plays the same numbers each week.  He finally wins.  The c-store clerk recognizes Herman's numbers and tells her boyfriend who gets gang together to rob the ticket and burn down Herman's house.  Herman, meanwhile, can't sleep and has been sitting beside his bed all night.  The Powerball ticket is tucked under his mattress.  Two gang bangers break into Herman's bedroom while two more thugs work in the hallway to begin to set fire to the place as another thug stands guard outside.  What the gang bangers don't know is that Herman has used his annual vacation time each year to go to Front Sight in Las Vegas to keep his defensive pistol skills sharp.  The thugs have met their match!

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