Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monday Match #8

There's a New Winner of The Pink Spurs!  Gary will be the proud custodian and wearer of the coveted Pink Spurs after his razor thin win of Monday Match #8.  Congratulations, Gary, you were shooting "in the zone" during that match and reduced your Points Down.

Gary edged out John by .28 one-hundredths of a second to lay claim to The Pink Spurs.

It was a very fun and interesting match.Michael totally smoked everyone in the Support Hand Shooting.  His raw average shooting time for five shots was an incredible 1.36 seconds, well over a half second better than the next nearest shooter. (See scoring note about Stage #1 at end of post.)

For Stage #2, we used the 2nd attempt at this stage with the six targets.  This equalized everyone's shooting on this stage.  Gary finished first in this stage, edging Tony by 42 one-hundredths of a second.

Gary really leaped out ahead on Stage #3, shooting it in 17.43, more than seconds faster that Tony's 19.78.  Tony was the only shooter to record zero Points Down on Stage #3.

As you know, we shot Stage #4 twice.  For the purposes of the match score, I took each shooters best time whether it was recorded on Attempte #1 or #2.  Everyone shot this stages very accurately.  Three shooters managed to shoot this stages with zero points down and the other shooter only had one point down.

Stage #1 Scoring Note.  For the purposes of the individual stage, we used the fastest average time.  For the purposes of the total match score, we used the total time of all five attempts, plus the total points down.  WHY?  Well, the points down were accumulated during five shots so they should be added to the total time.  Adding them to the best average presents a somewhat skewed perspective of the time.  The match standings remain the same no matter which way we added the scores for Stage #1.  We just thought that using the full shooting time was more representative of the overall match, however, the results are the same.

We may not be able to process the GoPro video footage because of the camera setting we used.  The file sizes are too large.  One file, for example, is over 1,5 GIGS!  The smaller file was 200 Megabytes!  Next time we will set the video down to a lower resolution and hopefully produce files that won't crash our computer.

Thanks for making Monday Match #8 such a great success!

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