Sunday, April 6, 2014

Monday Match 2014-2015 Season Schedule

(UPDATED - September 20, 2014) Greetings, Dear Friends!  We are looking forward to joining you once again this fall as our Arizona Shooting Season gets underway.  There may be some changes to the schedule we posted in early April.  The most likely change is that we hope to travel to Flagstaff to shoot with the new IDPA club up there.  Their monthly matches are the first Saturday of each month, weather permitting.  You can read about the "new" shooting range via the NASR page link at the top of this page. We have paid our dues to join the club up there.

The Flagstaff IDPA match schedule is November 1, December 6, January 3, February 7, March 7, and April 4.

There is a 6+ mile unpaved road to the NASR south if Winona.  If it's wet or snowy, this road will probably be impassible. Therefore, it's unlikely that we would be able to attend all of the matches listed above.  We are guessing we will be able to attend perhaps 3 of the matches.

In any event, our tentative April schedule listed below may be changed depending on which months we are able to shoot at the NASR.  Both the practice skills dates and the monthly Monday Match dates are subject to change depending on whether we can shoot at the NASR in any given month.

We really hope you all become IDPA members and choose to participate in official IDPA matches at The Prescott Action Shooters, the Flagstaff Club and the Phoenix Rod & Gun Club.  It's only $40 for an annual IDPA membership.  IDPA memberships from one year from the date you pay your dues (not by calendar year).  It would be truly great if all of us were dues-paying IDPA members and traveled to various Arizona matches together.

Thanks for reading!  Happy Shooting & Many Cheers!  jp
(Original Post from early April begins below.)

The Montezuma Marksmen Monday Match Season #3 drew to a close on April 7th.  Since The Monday Matches began in February 2012, we have staged exactly 30 Monday Matches!

In February, March and a portion of April 2012, we staged The Monday Matches each week.  This proved to be far too much work so we reduced the Monday Matches to a bi-weekly frequency during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 Seasons.  At the close of this third season, we have decided that the staging of "full" matches every other Monday is far too much work for us.

Therefore, we are announcing changes for the upcoming 2014-2015 Monday Match Season.

One Monthly Monday Match

We will do one "full" monthly Monday Match near the middle of each month. These "full" Matches will have a minimum of five stages and be conducted according to commonly accepted defensive pistol rules. All stages will be "Scenario Stages." There will be no reshoots of any stages during these "full" matches. Concealment garments will be required.
Full details of each shooter's raw time, etc.will be provided for both the overall match and each stage.  A match narrative, photos and scoring data will be posted to this blog for each monthly Monday Match.

Monthly Shooting Skill Exercises

The first Monday of each month will be a defensive pistol skills exercise match with a maximum of four short stages.
Concealment garments are optional for these shorty matches. Participants may reshoot any or all stages as long as the match ends promptly at noon.  The purpose for these short matches will be to hone defensive pistol specific shooting skills such as shooting while moving, shooting from cover, reloads with retention, etc. No scoring data or photos from the Skills Matches will be posted to this blog.  Since we are shooting to improve our own individual skills. shooters will take home their score sheet at the end of each Skills Match.

Many of the shooting skills exercises will be repeated during the five such matches.  Therefore, shooters can compare their own scores from previous identical exercises to assess their own improvement and progress.

The Prescott Action Shooters IDPA Match

We will attend every monthly Prescott Action Shooters official IDPA Match on the 4th Saturday of each month.  We highly recommend the PAS IDPA Matches.  We hope that as many of The Montezuma Marksmen as possible will car pool together to attend these matches.

Here is the schedule of the matches.  (See notes below graphic)

Note #1: The November 3rd Skills Match is subject to us arriving in Arizona in time to set up the match.  If we arrive later-than-expected, the first Skills Match will be November 10th.

Note #2:  We reserve the right to reduce the Monthly Monday Match total to five instead of the six shown above.  Six is the goal.  Five Monthly Monday Matches are guaranteed.

Thank You for all your generous donations this season.  The sum of your donations perfectly matched our expenditures for targets, tape, misc. supplies (such as staples, paint, nails, hardware, etc.), certificates & frames, as well as $40 in fuel for Gary's truck and $20 for stakes for the metal heads.  Any residual cash will be used to order more target tape for next season, thereby zeroing out this season's donation cash account.

We hope to have a great new menu of Stage Designs and scenarios.  We are also going to spend our summer in Idaho working to put together the defensive pistol Shooting Skills Exercises that we will be using next season.

At my Idaho club, we have one defensive pistol match a week each Wednesday at 6 pm from Memorial Day to Labor Day.  You are all welcome and invited to come and shoot at SEIPS!   I plan to conduct my own defensive pistol Shooting Skills Exercise at least every other Monday morning this summer.  Consequently, we should have a pretty good handle on how to set up quick and easy Shooting Skills Exercises by the time next fall rolls around.

We appreciate your understanding of why we need to switch our "full" Matches to once a month.

Thank You for your Loyal Support for and participation in The Monday Matches of The Montezuma Marksmen!

Sincerely, John Parsons.

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