Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Match Director's Notes - MM#2

(UPDATE @ Noon, Sunday, December 14)

FR 9235G Access Road

The Saturday rain was enough to make the wash run at our range.  Water ponded in various low spots of the road.  Three areas were very slick on Sunday morning.  We almost got stuck.  We're hoping it will be dry enough by tomorrow to not get stuck with the trailer.  If we do get stuck with the trailer, the match starting time will be delayed by the amount of time it takes us to get unstuck.
We had no trouble getting into the range to do some work Sunday morning.  On the way out, the last of the three dubious spots caught us.  As we accelerated, the truck turned sideways in the road so we went with the flow and headed to higher, presumably dryer ground.  This isn't something we'd be able to do with a trailer.
FR 9235G Access Gate
The drift gate for FR 9235G has been problematic ever since we started using this area two years ago.  We've worked on it several times.  Sunday morning we got it back into somewhat usable shape.  At least you won't need a comealong to open and close the gate.  Trouble now is that the gap between the gate and the post is unacceptably wide.  Most typical range cattle could work their way through that gap.  We will notify our contact at the Forest Service and offer to volunteer to help them put in a better gate.  In the meantime, it should work great and easily for Monday Match #2
Here is the "Before" picture Sunday morning.  Note how the bottom of the gate post is toed in toward the fence post.
That's what made it so very difficult to open and close the gate with the top wire.
Here's the "After" photo.  Note that the gate post is almost plumb vertically.  That's all it took to make it easier to open.
MATCH Roster & Logistics
The Monday Match #2 Roster has grown to  a tentative 12 participants so we are going to split into two squads. (It's a "tentative 12" because we're not sure if Gary will show up.  Also, Pat's Friend hasn't registered on Practiscore yet.)  We hope our Observer Max C. comes to the Match.

Here are the Squads and Squad Assignments:

Squad #1  (Starts in Area #1 with the "No Fair" Stage)

John C. (SO)
Deb W.
Dave W.
Tom B.
Cyndy W.
Bryan M. 

Squad #2 (Starts in Area 3B with the "All Hands On Deck" Stage)

John P. (SO)
Michael B.
Pat D.
Pat's Friend
Gary W.
Tony G.

Squads simply swap spots after completing their first stage.  In this way, we shoot the shortest stages first.
Match Weather
As of Sunday morning, there are no special concerns regarding the Monday weather. There appears to be no chance of rain. At this time, it does not appear that wind will be a factor either. The Monday high temp is forecast at 56 degrees.

(All of the notes below this point were written earlier and have not changed.)

The Monday Match Stage Trailer
You would think the MD would take pictures of the Stage Trailer in the daylight, wouldn't you?
 Well, the MD started this blog post and realized he didn't have any photos of the Stage Trailer, so...
We've put quite a bit of time and money into the Stage Trailer since the last Monday Match.  We added the new assembly on the trailer tongue.  The double wheels allow the trailer to be easily moved on rough ground.  The assembly folds flush with the tongue so we don't have to worry about it hitting the high spots on the range access road.

We also created an internal top bow assembly and then stretched an industrial tarp over the trailer.  We bought a bungee cargo net to stretch over the top of this tarp, too.  In addition, we bought a hitch wiring adapter that now assures us the trailer lights WILL work.  We've checked and double checked and rechecked the trailer lights and, yes, they work.  All-in-all, this trailer is in the best shape of its service life.  (But more remains to be done, of course.)

Double Truffles

 Truffles are wildly expensive.  The photo above is supposedly a world record but didn't bring a world record price when it sold recently for "only" $50,000.  The top price for a truffle is over $400,000.  Even though truffles apparently don't grow here in America, the idea of a gang attempting to take your truffle is a worthy stage for a club that uses the word "international" in its name.

Here's the info on the truffle shown above:

Here in North America Asian gangs are definitely a factor in the wildly lucrative mushroom hunting sub culture.  More about that below.
Above you see the Double Truffles we bought to facilitate this Stage.  You get your choice of either to use during your time at the line.  It's REALLY important that you DO NOT drop or throw down the truffle.  To do so would destroy its value and render a gang attack moot.  You must treat the truffle like it is worth its weight in gold bullion, which it most likely actually is.  You WILL get a Procedural Error Penalty for treating your truffle badly.

The photo you see here is highly doctored and "messed with" after I found it online.  This is an Asian Mushroom Hunter.  He may or may not be part of a mushroom gang.  But, trust me, such gangs exist.  And it's a very wild and crazy and often deadly and dangerous game out there where the fungi are found.  Whenever Big Money is at stake, you can count on armed individuals to contend with.  Here are some links to get you started:
High Noon Saloon

 Yes, we've been having a lot of FUN with this stage.  It harks back to our childhood!

Above is the new High Noon Saloon Stage Prop.  Instead of setting up the actual saloon bar, we will use a folding table.  You will be working the cash counter instead of the cash bar.  After engaging the initial gang rush, you will have to move to the RIGHT of the above structure to engage the remaining gang members.
The Gang's All Here
 I spent almost two hours today creating a decent Gang.  Whenever most IDPA Stage Designers say there is a "gang" involved, it NEVER looks like a gang would look.  Nope, it's just a bunch of IDPA targets kinda scattered hither and yon and you are told to "imagine" it's a gang.  Well, today, I wanted to create a Genuine GANG!  So this is now what you get.  This is the first part of the Gang.  You are working the cash register when four gang members rush you while holding a hostage.  Plus, they are obviously wearing body armor.  This is a pretty good rendition of what that situation might look like.  The Gang Target Set (GTS) will be placed at 7 yards from P1.  We toyed with placing it at an IDPA legal 10 yards but decided "no."  Seven yards it going to be tough enough.  Obviously, they are ALL head shots (in any order).
Here's what the back of The GTS looks like.  It's a spiff target set.

Range Prep
 These diagrams were included in the Stage Design post but we realize most of you don't actually read those posts.  Plus, these graphics were all the way at the bottom.  Here they are again.
 We're not going into much detail on this blog post.  What you see is what you get.
This one is pretty self explanatory.  Even if you only glance at these graphics, at least you get an idea.

Well, we lucked out once again.  Who can say why it is our Monday Matches are so charmed?  But charmed they have been and charmed again is this one.  It's going to be clear and of that there is no doubt.
Precarious Reality

Riflemen are beginning to use our range area is FAR greater numbers and they are coming right at the time we go there--MONDAY MORNING!  I encountered two of them this week and I have seen many others when I drive by the area on my normal travels to and from Cottonwood.  Times they are a changin'! I hate to break this news to you but our days using this area are numbered.  Let us count ourselves fortunate if we are able to stage our December, January, February and March matches in this area without major interference.

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