Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday Match #2 Stage Designs

(UPDATE @ 6:45 am December 9th)  Whew!  We can exhale now.  We've been holding our breath about Monday's Match weather.  It's going to be fine.  Almost NO doubt about it.  The graphic shown at left is NOAA's QPF for the time period of 5 am (AZ TIME) Sunday to 5 am Tuesday.  D-R-Y is the word of the day Monday!  YEA!  The access road will have all day Sunday to dry out and should be OK.  Stiff north winds might be the issue.  However, we are better rigged for The Wind than ever before.  No Problem.

Greetings!  Here are the four "draft" Stage Designs for Monday Match #2 on December 15th.  We are setting up the range for two squads even though we expect to have only enough participants for one short squad.  It IS The Holiday Season so absences are expected.

As always, ALL Stages are subject to change up until they are shot.

We spent two hours prepping a great addition to the range shooting areas.  We picked these four COF designs while keeping in mind our available space IF two squads were shooting.  This will give us a chance to check out how the Two Squad Arrangement would work if we need to go that route in the future.  There are comments below each Stage Design and a layout of the new Two Squad Arrangement below the Stage Designs,
We came up with the above COF after Monday Match #1.  It seemed a shame to tear down the High Noon Saloon props. It will be set up in the area labeled #1 in the diagram below.
This is an interesting Standards Stages that utilizes "All Hands."  It will be set up in the wash downstream from the road crossing. (Labeled #3B in the diagram below). It was specifically designed to take into account the available space there in that portion of the wash.
This stage will be setup in the new area (Labeled #4 in diagram below) we opened up on December 8th.
This simple stage will occupy the area of the range (Labeled #1 in disgram below) that is most vulnerable to "line of fire"encroachment by other shooters.  If someone comes into our line of fire as they did late during Monday Match #1, we will be able to easily relocate this stage into one of the other areas.  Although Al will be unable to attend Monday Match #2, he graciously offered to help us use his Swinger.  THANK YOU, Al!
Above are the four "bays," if you will, where are Stages will now be set up for each Monday Match.  Bay 1 is most vulnerable to encroachment of the "live of fire" by other shooters.  For now on, we will keep very simple COFs in Area #1.   The diagram below shows how it will all work out with a Two Squad Arrangement.  As Marry M said the other day after he looked at the diagram, "Who' on first?"
And, finally, below you can see the new Area #4 we created December 8th.  Its sweet and SAFE!

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