Friday, March 15, 2013

Yellow Rose of Texas Two Step

Greetings, Montezuma Marksmen!  You already heard we were planning a Mystery Stage called "The Yellow Rose of Texas Two Step" for our "All Texas" Monday Match #8 on March 18.

We call it a Mystery Stage because it's a Mystery to us, too, at least until we get it designed. Today on March 15, it's no longer a Mystery Stage--it's put together and ready to go.

First, allow me to introduce you to Bearverly, your date for the Big Dance in Lubbuck, Texas.

You are in the Elk's Lodge doing the Two Step as the South Side Locos perform a stirring rendition of "The Yellow Rose of Texas."  It's your and Bearverly's favorite song!

Suddenly, the revenge-minded Brazos Boyz burst through the Elk's Lodge front doors intend on wrecking havoc and causing much mayhem.

You cannot let your date down and must hold Bearverly tight while continuing to do the two-step as you engage the Brazos Boys.

Facing downrange, shooter loads with eight rounds and makes ready.  The Safety Office then hands Bearverly to the shooter. Shooter must hold Bearverly's hand as shown above.

At the buzzer, shooter must take to steps to the left for left-handed shooters or two steps to the right for right handed shooters.  After second step, Shooter will stop and then fire two rounds at T1.  Shooter then takes two more steps, stops and fires two rounds at T2; two steps, stop and two rounds at T3; two steps and stop and two rounds at T4.  Targets are spaced at 5-7-10-12 yards from the "two-step-line."

(NOTE:  Range will be marked so that targets can easily be moved left or right according to the "left or right handedness" of the shooter.)

Foot fault lines will be clearly marked. The shooter will receive a procedural for doing the two-step procedural incorrectly or for dropping Bearverly.

At this time, the shooter holds their pistol in the low ready position while Safety Office removes Bearverly from the shooter's grasp.  Then and only then may the shooter show clear, etc. according to the Safety Officer's instructions.

This is a Limited Vickers stage.  If Nancy comes with her revolver, everyone will load with six rounds and we will use three targets instead of four.

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