Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Match #9

Al took the Pink Spurs for the Monday Match Number Nine.  Aided by a blazing fast reshoot of the Bandido Stage #2, Al's final total time came in at 83.10.  Al also took the honors for Most Accurate Shooter, logging a mere 7 Points Down.  Congratulations and WAY TO GO, Al!

Everyone shot very well during Match Number 9.  Each and every shooter had both great stages and some awesome targets within each stage.  Brad gets the Most Improved Award for the reshoot of Stage #2, dropping his time by a whopping 16.77 seconds!  Al took runner up in Most Improved by shooting 9.84 seconds faster on his second attempt.

Such great leaps faster in shooting times are proof positive that practice pays off.
Al, Brad and Tony get extra mention because they each put at least two shots onto target of the Texas Good Ol' Boy Stage.  Tony and John were a mere .76 one-hundreths of a second apart on the BBQ stage and both scored zero Points Down.

Tom harked back to his rootin' tootin' Dance Hall Days by taking first place in the Texas Two-Step.  That was HOT shootin' Tom!

In keeping with our match traditions, we used the lowest time in two attempts of Stage #2 to calculate the Match Total Time.

Although it is not on the spreadsheet below, here are the times for the first shot in the Texas Good Ol' Boy:

Thank You all for making this Match so much fun.  Thanks also for your $20 in donations.  We will try to get some new target tape delivered prior to the next match.

There are only two more matches for this season--April Fool's Day and April 15th.  We look forward to your participation in the final upcoming matches.  Happy Shooting & Many Cheers, jp

As always, you can click on the graphic below to see a larger, more readable version.

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