Saturday, November 22, 2014

New Match Shooting Plan

Tom B. and I attended the Prescott Action Shooter's monthly match November 22.  We thought the match started at 9 am, so we arrived at 8:30 am.  The match started at 10 am so Tom and I had plenty of time to talk about "stuff."

Biggest item on our agenda of talking about "stuff" was the shooting situation in The Verde Valley and also what we could do to preserve our current shooting range area where the Monday Matches are staged.

It was a most productive discussion and we both agreed that arriving an hour early really yielded some productive "mentalizing," as Tom calls it.

Here's the rough outline of what will transpire soon.

First, we are going to split into two shooting squads for the December 15 Monday Match.  The squads can be up to 7 shooters so we can have a roster of 14 participants.  That right there is huge.

Second, we will occupy the wash area upstream and downstream from the road crossing.

Third, we will create a new shooting area "on top," as we call it, with a very decent backstop.

Fourth, we will prep and place a warning sign to rifle shooters who may use the spur road that intrudes into our 180 shooting plane.

Fifth, we will interface with the couple in the Jeep beforehand to make sure they don't show up expecting to shoot in their regular spot.

Sixth, we will interface with the horse people and make sure they don't decide to trail ride into our shooting area during the Monday Match.

Seventh. we will prep and place a warning sign at the Yavapai County Materials Pit where the Horse People stage.

Eighth, We will totally tape off both ends of the wash on our shooting area.

Ninth, we will tape off the road at our shooting site.

And, finally, tenth, we will design all our stages to maximize the closest possible backstop.

We believe these Ten Steps will allow us to expand our Monday Matches without endangering participants or recreationists who may be in the vicinity.  It's a classic win-win situation the way we see it right now.

The two graphics here have captions below.
Our Monday Match Shooting Range is located at "A."  The Horse People Stages at "B."  We will interface with them and make sure they understand our shooting schedule and ride north into the new non-motorized area rather than ride "upwash"as they like to do.

Here's the shooting sight-lines for our new four-stage, two-squad setup.  We are confident it's going to work out really well.  The up and down ends of the wash will be completely taped from bank-to-bank with rebar and yellow caution tape.  Someone would have to get off their horse to remove the tape to get through.  Likewise, a driver would have to get out of their vehicle to get through the caution tape closure on the road.  (Unless they simply drove through the tape.)

We think we're getting somewhere with this new plan and we are pleased that Tom and I could concoct a "doable" deal today.  THANKS, Tom!

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