Monday, November 17, 2014

Match Schedule

Here's Our Arizona Season Match Schedule
Note the "@" sign indicates we participated in that match.

We have also shot in formal practice sessions on November 10 (APP - MM) and November 15 (FLG IDPA).

Note that the Phoenix Rod & Gun Club will be conducting a Tier II Sanctioned Match on January 17, 2015.  The PRG's "South Mountain Showdown" (SMS) is a favorite mid-winter event IDPA members from far and wide.  The SMS Roster generally runs to about 100 shooters. The upcoming match will have 8 stages and a 120-130 round count.  Cost is $85.

Here is the registration link:

Here's the 2013 SMS results:

Here's the 2012 SMS results:

This link has a couple of videos from the SMS:

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