Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Practical Pistol Practice

Here is the link to the PDF of the scoresheet: http://goo.gl/uL39Q6

As promised last April, we will conduct bi-weekly practice sessions using the same exercises and a 50 round count.  The exercises were chosen this summer in Idaho while staging various practice sessions there.

The first practice session will be held November 10.  No advance signup is required.

While it is not possible to cover all potential practical pistol exercises within the context of a short, 50-round session, we feel these exercises will put participants on a solid footing for Monday Matches and IDPA matches conducted in Flagstaff, Prescott and Phoenix.  We are purposely NOT making these exercises complex and also are not using any stage props (other than one cover) for the exercises.

The simple score sheet is shown above.  Each participant will take home their score sheet.  results will not be posted on this blog.  There will not be a "total time" for all the exercises.  If any participant wishes to track their own progress during the course of our Arizona Shooting Season, they may save the sheets to compare them over time. (PDF Link: http://goo.gl/uL39Q6 )

A total of five targets will be utilized, as well as one cover structure.  All Exercises will be set up in the dry wash area of our shooting range in The Winter Horse Pasture of The Apache Maid Allotment.

The practice sessions will begin at 10 am and end when all participants have completed all exercises.  We are guessing the sessions will last from 60-90 minutes, depending on participation. Based on our similar practice sessions in Idaho this summer, the pace, scoring and taping will move very quickly.

PLEASE remember to bring your concealment garment!  Also, please arrive by 9:45 am so we can begin promptly at 10 am.  Note that we will NOT have coffee on hand for the practice sessions so you will need to BYOC.

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