Saturday, November 8, 2014

Possible BUG Stage

We "might" script in one BUG Stage for Monday Match #1.  It depends on how long we think it will take to shoot the other four primary stages.  The diagram and scenario below comprised Stage #10 at the very first S&W National BUG Match held in November 2013.  You can find the original page from which we copied this material here:

Chances are we would make it only two strings instead of 3.  We would then count your best string in your final Monday Match score.  No holster would be required for this stage.

SCENARIO: You are cutting and splitting firewood with your friends when bad guys spot you and decide you look like easy prey, so they try to take your equipment. You see that they have guns and try to warn your friend. As you are fighting out of harm’s way, they grab your friend as cover.


String One: Standing at P1, facing down range with gun at low ready. On the buzzer, engage T1-T5 with one round each in tactical priority.

String Two: At P2, same as string #1.

String Three: At P3, same as string #1.

SCORING: Limited Vickers
TARGETS: 5 IDPA, 2 Non-Threat
SCORED HITS: Best Three On Target

STAGE DESIGN: Warren Baker

All Monday Match #1 Stages are shown here:

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