Saturday, November 8, 2014

Texas Good Ol' Boy Sequel

Old Timer Montezuma Marksmen have fond memories of "The Texas Good Ol' Boy" stage.  It has appeared in many a Monday Match.  The stage is based on a true life incident in Texas.  For the 2014-2015 Arizona Season, we've adapted this popular stage to increase the round count, up the ante on the "challenge factor" and thrown in two reincarnations of the ever-endearing "Crack Head" Stage.

Beware that we will be adding at least one and possibly two surprises to this stage.  So what you see here is just an approximation of the stage "as built" on November 17th.  If you can shoot this stage Down Zero, you will be doing very, very well!
Here is the true story upon which the Texas Good Ol' Boy Stage is based.  IDPA rules state that a scenario stage cannot have targets farther than 25 yards from the shooter.  Hence, we have reduced T1 from 50 yards to 25 yards.

All Monday Match #1 Stages are shown here:

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