Thursday, November 13, 2014

Monday Match #1 Notes

The Match Director has lots of various notes about the upcoming November 17th Monday Match.  This is a "catch all" blog post for all those notes. The most recent update to this post was added at 5:45 am Monday, November 17.

Windy? Maybe Not...

The 5:45 am temp in Rimrock was 22 degrees.  However, Match-time temps are expected to be in the high 40's or low 50's, rising toward 60 by the end of the match At 5:30 am this morning, the wind was blowing 17 mph at the Sedona Airport with gusts to 32 mph.  Other NWS Observation sites are showing calm conditions. Here at our Rimrock home, the air is calm and the "official" wind speed is a mere one mile per hour.  As you know, it can be windy one place and near calm nearby.  Cross your fingers and hope for light air today.  We are "rigged for the wind" but it's always challenging the stage a match in high winds. 

Two Squads

Due to the large number of participants (12) registered for the 1st Monday Match, we are splitting into two squads.  One will shoot two stages in the wash while the other will shoot two stages up on top.  Stages 1 & 4 will be in the wash.  Stages 2 & 3 will be on top. Barring additional cancellations, we will have two squads of six shooters each.

Arrive Early & Be Prepared

Please, please be parked on the range by 9:45 am.  Please also arrive at the range with your holster and magazine holder on your belt.  The magazines for the first two stages should be loaded and ready in your range bag.

Group Photo

We will be taking a group photo before this match at the request of Tony G.  Tony's amazing dietary success clearly calls for a new picture of him in our group shot.  Please plan accordingly.

Shuttle Vehicle Needed

Larry & Deanna are driving a low clearance Prius.  We told them we will send a pickup truck to the gate area to shuttle them and their gear to the range.  Although their Prius would probably make it OK on the road, we'd rather be safe than sorry.  Our truck will be hitched to the gear trailer so we will need someone to have their truck seat(s) cleared and ready to shuttle Larry and Deanna.


Beginning this season, we will have a formal, designated SAFE AREA in which to holster and unholster your unloaded pistol.  SAFE AREAS are part and parcel of both Cold Ranges and IDPA Matches.

In the past 3 seasons, we have utilized each shooter's pickup truck bed as an informal Safe Area.  This season we will utilize a designated SAFE AREA. 

Review The Stages

If you haven't already done so, please review the stages. Begin at this link and then inspect the blog posts that have been prepared for each of the four stages.

Note also that the stages are considered "draft" until the match begins.  The Match Director reserves the opportunity to make changes  in any or all of the stages until the match actually begins.

Weather Outlook

The match weather is looking OK. As of 8:30 am Sunday morning, the Flagstaff NWS and national NOAA modeling forecasts expect Monday to be dry.  The Thursday forecast said:


This prognostication continues.  A private weather website said Sunday morning to expect "Northeast winds around 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph in the morning."  Dress for chilly conditions.
Attention to Details

There are 12 shooters participating in the first Monday Match.  Due to the large number of participants, the BUG Stage has been deferred to a future match.

Because we have a large roster and two squads, we will have to really move quickly in order to complete all four stages within our two hour time frame.  All participants should arrive at the range with the range with their holster and magazine holder on their belt.  The magazines for the first two stages should be loaded and ready in participants' range bags.

The first stage requires three mags loaded to six rounds each. The second stage requires the pistol loaded to division capacity (9 rounds in CDP and 11 rounds in SSP & ESP)

Each shooter who is "on deck" should immediately move to the firing line to be in position for the "load and make ready" command as soon as the targets have been scored and taped.

At least two target tapers should be standing by ready to tape as soon as the targets have been scored. We should have enough target stands to have the entire match set up without having to carry stages from one stage to another.

New Brass Plan

We are going to try something different in this match. We will not be picking up any brass after each shooter.  All brass will remain on the ground until everyone has shot the stage...or possibly the entire match. After the stage (or possibly after the match), the entire squad can pick up and sort brass.  This should help us speed up the conduct of the match. If you want to make sure you get YOUR brass back, please mark the bottom of the brass with a felt tip pen.

Larry M is bringing a brass broom and sorter.  Thanks, Larry!

The APP Stage Trailer

Thanks to Brad W. we once again have a trailer to haul our stage props and targets to and from the Monday match Range.  This year, the trailer configuration has been completely redone.  (APP = "Arizona Practical Pistol")

Click here to see photos:

Introducing APP TV

As some of you know, "The Texas Good Ol' Boy" Stage begins with the shooter seated and watching TV.  This year, we decided to get a much better simulated TV for the stage.  And what better than the that famous classic 1939 NBC Indian Head Test Pattern.  If there is one universal symbol that screams Tee-Vee, it would have to be this graphic.  we have also added a TV remote to the stage.

Experimental Wall Sections

Also new for the first Monday Match will be at least one new experimental wall section.  It and possibly a second such section will be used in The Texas Good Ol' Boy" Stage. You can read much more about this experimental wall section here:


We've spent about $100 so far getting ready for this season.  You donations are always appreciated!

Stay tuned...

Keep an eye on this blog post as more information may be posted from time-to-time right up until 7 am Monday Morning.

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