Saturday, November 8, 2014

Monday Match #1 Stages

Greeting!  Monday Match #1 is on track for November 17th.  We have a challenging array of Stage Designs, including a "Guest Stage" by Costa Rican IDPA Member Daniel Madrigal.

Also, we've dusted off an Old West Classic courtesy of Stage Design Master Jeff Brown.  You're sure to enjoy a new and improved version of "The Texas Good Ol' Boy."

One of the UDPL 2013 Utah IDPA State Champion Match stages is included, too.

And, if that's not enough, we have an optional BUG Stage from the S&W 2013 BUG Nationals.  We're taking a departure from our normal method of presenting stages.

Each of the stages now has its own blog post.  In addition, we have created a PDF of all of the stage designs.  And, finally, we also created a slide show of the stages.  Hopefully, all of these alternatives will allow each participant to have a better understanding and grasp of how the Monday Match #1 Stages will be put together.

The minimum round count will be under 50.  However, it's highly unlikely you will be able to shoot the Match at the minimum round count.  Your own individual round count could go as high as 70+ depending on how many shots you take during the Vickers Stages.

Here is a link to a simple PDF of the stages.  Scroll down through the blog to see each individual stage description in more detail.

All Monday Match #1 Stages are shown here:

Thanks for reading!  Happy Shooting & Many Cheers, jp

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